Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Color Analysis is for everyone!

Especially if you…

  • Have a closet full of clothes but, feel like you have nothing to wear

  • Are unable to make outfits within your closet and use pieces interchangeably

  • Feel like your closet varies in all colors from the brightest brights to the most muted colors and isn't harmonizing to make an interchangeable, easy wardrobe

  • Find packing to be a nightmare with you always overpacking but unable to create multiple outfits out of one item.

  • Confused by makeup choices and wish you knew which lipsticks look best on you

  • Just don't feel great when you get dressed but are clueless about how to fix it

  • Are frustrated by all the options when shopping

  • Are wondering if silver or gold is your best metal (your undertones dictate this too!)

  • Or even if you think you know what you're doing but want to be sure you're spending on items that elevate you

The Process

Chat & Educate…

I enjoy hearing how you learned about Color Analysis and I love sharing my story on how I became a HOC owner! (Make sure to ask me about the green shirt! I bet you have a shirt like this too!) We then get familiar with the color wheel, learn about the history of color analysis, and walk through what to expect during your appointment.


Step 1…

We start by looking closely to see if you are warm (yellow-based) or cool (blue-based). So many clients feel they know this answer based on someone at a makeup counter telling them. More often than I wish, they are sadly wrong and have been holding onto this notion for far too long. Hence leading them to make clothing and makeup decisions that aren’t their best!

Step 2…

It doesn’t end with just warm and cool. From there we then delve into whether you look best in bolder, splashier colors or if muted or earthy colors suit you best. This is my favorite part, because I am constantly surprised by what we learn!


Step 3 - Where the Magic Happens

Knowing your colors is life-changing, but it wouldn’t be complete if you continued to wear the wrong make-up. Yup, even makeup is warm or cool. So we introduce you to our signature 90-Second Makeup all tailored to your season and made beautifully by House of Colour to the highest European standards. You’ll learn why we all have 3 points of Red and how to use them, and that when we wear our best colors we don’t need as much makeup!

Last but not least…

Once you’re feeling beautiful via 90-Second Makeup we return to our drapes to explore all of your seasons’ colors and find your very best colors. While all the colors in your season work on you and harmonize together, some will WOW us. These become your WOW colors!


We have not fogotten about you!

Color Analysis is for Everyone!

While makeup probably isn’t your thing, colors should be. We use the same process to determine your season, but we spare you the makeup routine and immediately jump into a deep dive of your neutral colors. Knowing which suit or blazer will work with all your button downs simplifies everything. You’ll learn your power color and how to either grab attention or blend in.